“I’m going to tell you about working with Charles Flaxel at Moon Creek Homes, and I’m going to try to do this in a clear, direct way. I am also going to try to use specific details because I’m not sure that me saying something like, “he was easy to work with” or “it went well” is going to be useful for you to hear. But, on the off-chance it is useful for you to hear: Charles was easy to work with, and the whole process went well.
Charles was easy to work with, and the whole process went well.
I wasn’t planning to sell my place when I first got in touch with Charles/Moon Creek Homes in late 2018. I tried selling the place in early 2015 but had no luck. At that time, the place was ready to show prospective buyers. It was empty and clean with fresh interior paint, a new kitchen floor and countertops, and a modest price. No luck.
When I started interacting with Charles, the place was chaos: 2 slobs, 3 dogs, and an array of clutter, dirty laundry, and trash. I’m not particularly proud of this fact, but it’s worth mentioning because I delayed having Charles out to look at the property a couple of times because I was self-conscious about the chaos of my living situation. If you’re thinking, “Once I get this place straightened up, then I can let someone in to look around and talk to me about a price” – you should know that you don’t have to worry about that.
Here are some of the key points that I think are useful to know:
If you’ve ever filled in an online form and made a specific request for follow-up contact, like “Call me after 6 p.m.” or “Just email me” only to have an overly-eager person start hounding you, I will tell you that my experience with Charles was that he was very respectful of my preferred contact methods and timing. I reached out to 2 other places along with Moon Creek Homes, and both had my phone ringing early the next morning.
Charles explained the process well and he was responsive when I had questions or requests. He read my emails and replied to my questions. He confirmed his understanding of what I told him or asked questions either about what I said or to better understand the condition of the property, my timeline, and any special needs, concerns, etc. that I had. He explained the different milestones of the process. When I had new questions, he was responsive, but mostly I didn’t have a lot of questions after he mapped everything out.
I put off having Charles come look at the property twice, and he was easy going about it. I’m not recommending that you string him along, but I will say it’s worth talking to him even if you’re not completely sure of your schedule.
Everything happened on the agreed-upon schedule based on the dates that I selected. There were no surprises. Once we signed a contract and had an agreement in place, he checked in with me at intervals that we discussed in advance and were appropriate for my situation. I didn’t feel hounded and I didn’t feel neglected.
His check-ins would also update me on some of the things that needed to happen to move the process forward (like a sewer scope inspection, or making sure the title company reached out to me). There were no other inspections added, no reschedules, no renegotiations, and no contingencies.
Of the 2 properties that I’ve sold, working with Charles/Moon Creek Homes was much quicker and easier. I might have gotten a little more if I’d put some money and a good amount of effort into getting the place ready to sell, and then moved myself and my 3 large dogs somewhere while the place was listed to show. Given my experience in 2015, there was no guarantee. I didn’t get bogged down with getting the place ready to sell. I didn’t have the disruption of listing the place listed and having potential buyers going in and out. I didn’t even have the burden of getting the place cleaned out after the move: no dump runs, no trash. You might not realize how liberating this can be, but at a time when you’re inevitably rushing to get packed up and moved out, not having to go back is liberating.
I moved less than a mile from the place and I pass it when I drive up to Vancouver or Jantzen Beach. The property looks great: fresh paint in a whole new color, new fixtures, and a cleaned-up yard. I feel like I left the place in good hands based on how quickly it’s been improved. I know the neighbors appreciate that the new owner is making that part of the neighborhood a little nicer.
Every situation is different, so I’m not saying “It went great for me so it will go great for everyone else.” But these are the reasons I recommend talking to or emailing Charles and Moon Creek Homes when you have a property to sell.”
-R.J. Portland, Oregon